This Slick Electric Standing Desk is 39% Off

Build an office that lets you move, starting with this awesome deal on an electric standing desk

electric standing desk

If you struggle to get more exercise because your work keeps you deskbound, an electric standing desk is step one in building an office that helps you move while you work.

This electric standing desk ($99) lets you set three heights that it will go to at the touch of a button. Want to stand? Hit a button. Ready to work while walking on a treadmill? Hit another button. Time to sit back down? Hit another button.

It also has up/down buttons so you can tweak the height for a pair of shoes or a balance board.

It has a handy place to hang your headphones and bag and plenty of space for all your work gear.

It will hold 176 pounds so you can mount your monitor to it, hang a desktop computer underneath, and pile whatever you need on top. It all travels up and down with you effortlessly so you can keep focused on work while taking care of your body. (And your mind. Walking can help you focus and unlock creativity.)

Customize it with your own tabletop

Reviewers love it, especially for the price, and point out that while the top is in two pieces (creating a seam) it’s not a problem. Some plan to find a nice piece of wood to replace that top, eventually, and make it a more custom piece of furniture.

“I love this standing desk,” said one reviewer. “I got [it] to make my home studio more functional. I spend countless hours every day in my home office and studio editing videos and this desk is just what I needed. Sitting at a desk all day can really aggravate my bad back.

The desk itself is nice. I really like the wood grain look of it as well. It also seems to be made of good quality materials. I’ve had a standing before and this was way easier to put together. I really appreciate that all of the parts for this desk were clearly labeled.

This desk has a few features that my old desk didn’t have. It has a timer function that will softly Vibrate reminding you to stand and move around. I personally think that’s a cool feature. It is pretty quiet when adjusting up and down.

It also has predrilled holes and cable clips for cable management [and comes] with a storage or headphone hook, a handy feature.”

Updated on 11/23/2023

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